When it finishes its first search go to the game and fire some shots. If for example in the game value for shots is 200. Use the exact value option, select 2 bytes also. Choose the process neoragex.exe in the process list.
Ok what we need to think about here is that if we hack the number of shots left we might find the gunįirst get a gun other than pistol for example Heavy Machine GUn. Ur soldier can get different guns in the game at different times including Flame Shot, Shot gun, Machine Gun etc. Lemme brief u about the nature of the game a bit. Start Neorage emulator and start Metal Slug 1.
Metal Slug for NeoRAGEx Emulator ver 0.6bĢ) Making Trainer with the found Addresses. U can read more tuts to get to know different famous tools. I mean who know how to use different gamehacking tools like GameHack2.0, Game Trainer 2.01. This is a tutorial for ppl who r a grade above newbies.